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I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 2 weeks ago
by Zen_Ronin
ramsman34 wrote:I wonder why the Rams haven’t made any changes or additions since the new design??

Not only have they not made any changes or additions, they haven't even fulfilled their entire slate.

I really do hope we get a full rebrand (return to the OG LA Rams unis a mix of the b&w's AND b&y's) in 2025.

Re: I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 2 weeks ago
by ramsman34
And hope they don’t outsmart themselves by straying further from the brand.

I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by BakoRamFan1221
Let’s hope Nfl makes Nike drop fanatics before they do. Mlb unis are a joke this year

Re: I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by Elvis
Considering the Jets and Lions just released new uniforms that are more traditional/old school, i'm starting to think that might be where the Rams are headed as soon as 2025...

Re: I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by Elvis

Re: I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by ramsman34
They can play with the colors the have and create some cool helmets for sure. I’d expect a white helmet. And I know most hate the idea of black. But the yellow and blue would pop like mad on black. As would the white, obviously.

I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by Zen_Ronin
ramsman34 wrote:They can play with the colors the have and create some cool helmets for sure. I’d expect a white helmet. And I know most hate the idea of black. But the yellow and blue would pop like mad on black. As would the white, obviously.

I have the blackout Stafford jersey and the yellow and blue look cool af! I'd have zero issue w/ a blackout jersey other than that it's been done by pretty much everyone. I also wouldn't mind a return of a modern Color Rush.

Re: I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by ramsman34
That’s cool Zen. I haven’t seen that jersey. Hopefully the do some cool modern stuff and some really cool classic stuff at the same time.

I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by Zen_Ronin
ramsman34 wrote:That’s cool Zen. I haven’t seen that jersey. Hopefully the do some cool modern stuff and some really cool classic stuff at the same time.

This one, it was a "Superbowl Fashion" edition.....whatever that means. :roll2: :lol2:


I Hate To Be That Guy But...

PostPosted:1 month 1 week ago
by Zen_Ronin
On a somewhat unrelated note I did just find this place that makes Hockey Jerseys for other sports and I think as a Canadian Rams fan it would be wrong for me not to grab one of these!!
